Saturday, February 1, 2014

blog circle | love

Love has been a hot topic for us lately.  Or, more accurately, trying to explain "love" to Grace.  Since starting kindergarten, she has developed a little group of friends and has even been holding a boy's hand on the bus (I cringe and daddy is not pleased either).  When we asked why she holds his hand she said simply, "I love him".  She also brings loads of pictures for friends and teachers, all signed "Love Grace".  I tried to explain that "love" is usually reserved for mommy & daddy, brothers & sisters, aunties & uncles...for family, and maybe a few close friends.  And in her wise little way she replied, "But why do you say you love a book? Or food?"  

So for now, she can "love" all her friends and teachers, and her bus driver.  And I will continue to "love" mint Oreos and Gilmore Girls.

I'll leave you with a few photos of my wee ones that I "love".  And when you are done checking those out, be sure to head over to see Colleen's post for this month's love theme at Colleen Christina Photography !


  1. Isn't it amazing how children see the world?! I'm loving our blog circle!

  2. How sweet. Your daughter has such a sweet heart! I love our blog circle! :)

  3. I agree, the blog circle is so fun! I loved reading everyone's posts!
