Sunday, August 18, 2013

samuel james cotton

Here are the photos from the hospital leading up to and after Sam's birth.  I'll be back with the story of his birth soon...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

what happened this week...

He is here!  Our sweet baby boy, Samuel James arrived at 12:01am on August 9th 2013.  Eight pounds fifteen ounces and twenty-one inches long.  He is so sweet and mellow!  More photos to come soon, but I'll leave you with this little snap...

Monday, August 5, 2013

the last few months...

We have been so busy the last few months between the pregnancy, activities, buying a house and daily life.  Easter festivities, Grace celebrated her fifth birthday in April and Caroline had her first ballet recital in May.  Paul has been catching lots of striped bass, we enjoyed a great family Fourth of July and Caroline had her fourth birthday last week.  We also had a trip to Maine, a trip to NH to visit G Jo Jo and Jiffy Pop, and a trip to Roger Williams Zoo!  Now we are just waiting for the boy to arrive...I'm due today so hopefully it won't be too much longer!  Uncle Muffin and Auntie Becca are here to help us until he decides to come, so we've been enjoying lots of family, playing with the dog cousins, working on baby brother's cradle.

  Ready to dye eggs!

 The finished product.

 The Easter Bunny is going to have to make a harder egg hunt next year...they found them all in about five minutes!

South Beach with the puppies

Happy Fifth Birthday Grace!  

 Her princess tea party was so much fun!

 Family cookout for Grace's birthday dinner

 First fish of the season 5.6.13

 Grace in her "new" bed.  And both girls at Roger Williams Zoo.

 Ballerina Caroline.  Her recital was adorable!!

 Making Daddy's birthday cake

 Big fish

 On the job site with Daddy...looking spiffy in their hard hats.

 Fourth of July parade

 Bigger fish...28lbs of deliciousness!

 Happy Fourth Birthday Caroline!!

 Fun party with friends!  And she loved her ice cream cake.

Mini golf with Uncle Muffin and Auntie Becca

 Playing with the dog cousins in the yard.  They all wear each other out!