Thursday, August 7, 2014

one year later: birth story.

One year ago, we were up early + full of anticipation to meet our son.   We hadn't settled on a name...after much discussion we decided to wait until we met him to choose.  We'd chosen to induce labor, which made us a little uneasy.  I was certain that my third baby wouldn't come any later than the first or second, yet here we were three {or ten, depending on which due date} days past.  The bags packed and ready to go, Uncle Muffin and Aunt Becca here helping and waiting with us for almost a week already.  The Boy was not matter how many miles I walked or how many hundreds of squats I did.  So, at 7am on August 8th 2013, I called the hospital to make sure they could start my labor that day {tiny hospital, people}, and by 730 we were on our way, joking {but totally serious!} on the ride over that we'd be meeting our baby by dinner time at the latest.

The process was slow.  So very slow.  We checked in, got the lovely corner room {yay!}, bloodwork, IVs.  It was decided to try to "ripen" my cervix before breaking my water or starting pitocin since The Boy was still pretty high.  And then we waited.  I was stuck in bed, attached to monitors for what seemed like forever {I think it was actually an hour or two}.  That medication sort of helped and around 1pm, they started the pitocin drip to get some real contractions going.  We walked and walked and walked the little L shaped hallway.  And bounced on an exercise ball.  And walked some more.  And cranked up the pitocin since I wasn't feeling the contractions.  The midwife joked and said she'd be off shift at midnight so baby needed to come before that.  We all laughed and figured he'd still be here around dinner time {my second delivery was 4.5hrs from first contraction to babe in arms}.

At 630pm, they broke my water.  Within the hour, the pitocin was off and I was in the tub, breathing through contractions.  

By 830pm, I had decided on the epidural.  I just had a feeling that I would need it to get through the delivery {boy am I glad I got it!}.  Though very nice, the nurse anesthetist took about 45 minutes to set the epidural and I almost said forget it!  Once it was in, I was totally numb and resting for a bit before I started feeling pressure.  Baby never really came down on his own so I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me.  

I started pushing at 1030pm, really exhausted and running on adrenaline and just knowing that I would get to see my sweet baby so soon.  We were still counting on him coming before midnight!  I really wanted my midwife there!

After 1.5 hours of pushing {man, it felt like slow motion especially since first baby was about 45mins and second was about 15mins}, our boy was born at 1201am on August 9th 2013.  I am so grateful for my delivery team for sticking with me and pulling us through those last {looooong} hours!

He was chunky, hairy, pink, and had the biggest baby cheeks.  Pooped on daddy, peed on mama and then weighed in at 8# 15 and 21" long.  A keeper in every way!  He nursed like a pro from the start.  I stayed up most of the night, cuddling him and studying his sweet features, trying to see which name he would choose.  

In the morning, the girls came with auntie & uncle.  They were mesmerized by their baby brother!  The sweetest moments were watching them meet him, checking out his tiny toes & fuzzy hair.

In between sister visits and the next batch of family arriving, we decided to name our boy Samuel James.  James for my paternal grandfather, who my children never had the gift of knowing but seem to have many "Grampa Denbow" traits from.  Samuel has the Denbow gleam in his eye, fun-loving & a little mischievous.

The details are foggy, but the feeling remains.  Blissful.  How they became my three.  I'm weepy as I write this with Samuel nursing in my lap, his chubby fingers touching the tears on my cheek and gray eyes curiously wondering what's wrong with mama.

And since we will be partying it up tomorrow...

Happy Birthday, my little love.  May you always share your goodness & light with everyone around you!  I am so lucky to be your mama.  XO