Thursday, February 6, 2014

another project...

A few weeks ago we were offered some free kitchen cabinets from a friend who is upgrading.  Our kitchen has some strange homemade shelves/cabinets/coffin-like drawers so we jumped at the opportunity to have a "real" kitchen {and a dishwasher...YAY!!}.  

This week Paul got the call to pick them up so he started to prepare ... by ripping out the counter :0 and the old shelves/cabinets {while I was at yoga...ohmmmmmm}.  Needless to say, I'm wishing we waited one more week to start this project so I would be happily on my way to Florida instead of trying to cook in a construction zone.

The before kitchen, we will call it "funky function": 

The during kitchen, we will call it "totally dysfunctional what was I thinking craziness":

Everything should be in place by the time we get home from Florida, and we will just need to add a countertop which is being crafted by my very talented brother at RE Blood Boatworks.  Can't wait!

And today I ask for prayers of peace and solace for my extended family as they grieve the loss of a wonderful father, brother, husband, grandfather, uncle & great uncle.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

first bites...

 The little mister is so close to six months old.  I can't believe it!  He's hitting so many milestones, learning and exploring every day.  Since he's been sitting up a bit {and begging for food like a cute little puppy}, we decided to go ahead with his first food.  It amazes me how things change from child to child...the newest craze is baby led feeding {called baby led weaning, although there is no actual weaning from the boob} in which baby receives no purees, only pieces of food so they learn to "chew" and swallow and only eat what they want with no pressure from mom and dad.  So of course, after much research, we decided to give it a go.  Yesterday, Samuel watched as I prepared and baked a few organic sweet potatoes in stick shapes.  After letting them cool for the afternoon and waiting for daddy to arrive home, we were ready.  Little mister looked around suspiciously when we sat him in his highchair with a bib and the tray.  He furrowed his brow at the four of us {plus Uncle Ben} watching, me with my camera at the ready.   I placed three squishy sticks of sweet potato on the tray...and he continued to look around wondering what was going on.  After a few minutes, he grabbed one of the sticks and tasted it, smushed it, tasted it again.  I'm not sure that he actually swallowed any but he sure had fun exploring this new food!  Mama is super proud, and I am totally biased but is he not the cutest little eater?!?

Love this expression!

 As for the baby led weaning/feeding, we don't fit under that label.  From what I read, we are more likely "supportive feeding" parents.  No forcing of foods, watching baby's cues, offering a variety, and finger foods as well as some mashed spooned foods which is almost exactly how we started our girls.  Today I mashed up the sweet potato with breastmilk and he ate a few bites from a spoon.  He also loved grabbing/picking up the spoon and putting it in his mouth. He still held, smushed, and tasted the sticks I put on his tray.  I wanted to make sure that he actually ingested some before declaring it a "safe" food and trying something else in a few days.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

blog circle | love

Love has been a hot topic for us lately.  Or, more accurately, trying to explain "love" to Grace.  Since starting kindergarten, she has developed a little group of friends and has even been holding a boy's hand on the bus (I cringe and daddy is not pleased either).  When we asked why she holds his hand she said simply, "I love him".  She also brings loads of pictures for friends and teachers, all signed "Love Grace".  I tried to explain that "love" is usually reserved for mommy & daddy, brothers & sisters, aunties & uncles...for family, and maybe a few close friends.  And in her wise little way she replied, "But why do you say you love a book? Or food?"  

So for now, she can "love" all her friends and teachers, and her bus driver.  And I will continue to "love" mint Oreos and Gilmore Girls.

I'll leave you with a few photos of my wee ones that I "love".  And when you are done checking those out, be sure to head over to see Colleen's post for this month's love theme at Colleen Christina Photography !